If your sole goal is to avoid probate in your estate plan, I might tell you to be careful what you wish for. Based on stories that may have been blown out of proportion, it seems like everyone [...]
There are a few things to consider before beginning probate. You want to gather as much information as possible before you start so that there are not delays later on. You will need to know the [...]
How does an estate administration factor in when you are working with real estate? The answer to this question differs based on whether or not there is a will and whether that will has a power to [...]
You may need to think about doing a clean up for your estate planning documents. What do I mean by that? Go find your estate planning documents. Do you have the originals? If not, you should [...]
The executor’s responsibilities, at a basic level, include the following: If there is a will, the executor must give notice to all of the relatives that the will is being probated within [...]
There are a lot of offers out there to make online wills. I have even seen a few that come up on social media platforms. The thing about online wills is that the person making them doesn’t [...]
Sometimes estate administrators fall victim to problems they didn’t even know about. Here’s a common one… After one spouse dies, the surviving spouse goes to sell a piece of real estate that they [...]
I’m often asked, “Is a will really that advantageous?” Won’t everything go to my kids equally anyway? Let’s unpack the answers to these questions. First, having will enables [...]
I have to admit I am almost always nervous to ask if there is a car as part of an estate. Cars can be a neglected aspect of estate planning because people often get a new car after they have [...]
I often get asked about the ability to sell the house in probate. In an estate administration, a house can be an extra burden. There are expenses that come right away. The executor or [...]